Story of Life

Story of life
(This story is of interactive type, between a higher aware person(Acharya) and audiences )

Shiva and Parvati were sitting in state of Bliss for years and years, may be billion years. Shiva means the Consciousness which is also called Chit, Self, Being, Awareness, Purush. And Parvati means Shakti, Energy(which also makes matter), Prakti(nature).

Though it was very blissful state, but it became bit boring due to a monotonous state. So Parvati said, Swami let us have some fun. Shiva said ok go ahead, do whatever you want.

Parvati then made a super super computer! And the largest game software was loaded in it. The name of the game was LIFE! In this game a universe was simulated(MAYA) which has a planet called Earth. Laws of physics were put in this software to run this universe. Parvati then created billions of Avatars (humans) in this game.

Parvati now says to Shiva, Swami, I have expressed myself in form now and I have distributed myself into so many Avatars also. But in this game, I want you to be also with me. Shiva said ok I will be present in the centre of all the Avatars you have made out of you. But the Avatars will not be knowing that I am inside them. Parvati said Swami, that is fantastic, I in the form of Avatar, will be missing you badly and always seeking restlessly to meet you. So once I am as a Avatar, it will forget that he is made of me and you are sitting inside you.

Shiva then said, but each game has some objective to win. Parvati told yes, I have thought about it. The objective in this game is to achieve more and more happiness. Each Avatar will be doing efforts in this game to become more and more happier but he does not know that his ultimate happiness lies in meeting you. So basically it is a hide and seek game being played by parts of me and you.

Shiva said, Parvati, l have an idea to make the game more interesting and long. Let us confuse Avatars as to where he can find happiness.

So together Shiva and Parvati developed Seven levels in this game. For implementing these levels , they created Seven Chakras in the body of each Avatar. These seven levels correspond to seven types of happiness a Avatar can get. After crossing one level, he will aspire for the higher level of happiness and so on. Though basically he keeps on searching for happiness, but as he goes to higher chakras, his source of happiness or desires will change.

So dear fellows, you must be knowing by now that this game is nothing but of you and me and all human beings! Now you want to know what are the seven chakras in us and how they make us play this game of life?

AUDs : Yes yes we want to know. Pl tell in detail.

ACH: Ok, let us talk of 1st chakra in us. It is called Root chakra and is at the bottom of our spinal cord! Can anyone guess what desires this chakras generate is us? Or let me ask, what is the most basic desire in all of us?

AUD1: To live

AUD2: Security

ACH: yes you all guesses rightly. 1st level is also called the muladhar and is the basis for life to continue. The desire to remain alive is generated from this chakra. To remain alive we need Food, Cloth , House, medicine and we all try to have it for today as well as also want to arrange for our life time. Now let us come to second level of desire in us. Once we have secured our life, what we want now? Any guess?

AUD3: Fun

AUD4: tasty Food

AUD5: comforts

ACH: yes you all are right. This chakra is called SWADISTAN chakra and is located around 2 inches above root chakra. This chakras makes us find happiness in physical pleasures. These pleasures are given by us through our 5 sensory organs i.e eyes, tounge, node, eyes and skin. So we want to have tasty food, good smell, comfortable environment, good music tc. The pleasure of sex is also driven by this chakra.

AUD1: Acharyaji, i am bit confused, the need for food is of 1st chakra or 2nd?

ACH: Very good question! When food is taken for keeping alive, then it is coming from 1st Chakra. But when we are want to eat a tasty food ( sometimes even after we r full), then this desire is for pleasure and coming from second Chakra. Similarly, when we want house as a roof to protect us from bad weather it is from 1st chakra. But when we want a house with AC and all amenities, it is for pleasure and coming from 2nd chakra. Is it clear?

AUD1: yes

ACH: ok now let us talk of 3rd chakra which is called Manipur Chakra and is at the level of navel at our spinal cord. Can anyone guess what are the desires human being have , once he is saturated with physical pleasures?

AUD2: power

AUD5: to be ahead of others

AUD3: to be famous

ACH: Yes you all are guessing very perfectly! This chakra brings a sense of ‘I’ in us. This generates a feeling of being important, being someone, being ahead of others. In control of this chakra, we try to impress others in some or the other way so as to prove that we are better. This may be in terms of our intelligence, our big house/car, our status in society, our reputation, our popularity. This desire even makes us to do something, for which we will be remembered after we are gone! This chakra brings a sense of competitiveness in us and also also called as EGO chakra. As you can see that in the earlier 2 chakras, we were concerned only about ourselves and our pleasures. Here our happiness becomes dependent in comparison to others. We are enjoying a good car but suddenly our neighbour gets a bigger car and our ego is hurt and our happiness reduces.

AUD1: we discussed that house has a role in 1st and 2nd chakras. Does house has role in this chakra also?

ACH: yes. 1st chakra makes have a house which protects our life. Second chakra makes us have a house which is comfortable. This 3rd chakra makes us have a house which is beautifull, big and unique. Have u not noticed that some persons even compromise the comforts for making it unique?

AUD2: yes yes, i know a friend of mine.

ACH: those persons who r highly in control of this EGO chakra. To impress others, they can even bear pain. For them everything in life is to impress others and prove them to be better.

AUD3: I have a question her. Is this chakra good or bad for society?

ACH: Very good question. This chakra is both good and bad for the society as well as individual. The progress of human race is driven by this chakra. We work hard to prove ourselves better and society development takes place. But at the same time, this also brings conflicts, anger, hatred, corruption, crime, and wars. May be SHIVA and PARVATI wanted to have some strong action in this game and so they made this chakra in us.

AUD5: ohh, so it is all a game being played by them. Wonderful and we think that we are doing it!

ACH: yes, and SHIVA and PARVATI have deliberately kept us ignorant by keeping us unaware of the fact that we are part of them, otherwise we will not be playing this game seriously.

AUD4: ohh ok.

ACH: And as u see, in today’s time, most of the humanity is under the control of this 3rd chakra. As world has progressed materialistically, most have fulfilled desires of 1st and 2nd chakra. And to cross this level in game takes a lot of time. Since the desire to be important and being better is not met easily, most humans don’t get saturated with whatever they get and keep on wanting more and more.

But some humans get saturated with the game of EGO also and stop getting happiness in being SOMEONE SPECIAL! Can anyone guess at this stage what can be higher level of desire in us?

( no one replies)

Ok let me tell you. See after getting importance for a long time, a person starts getting a feeling of aloofness! He feels lack of belonging, lack of being intimate with someone! Lack of real love! He want to love and get loved! He is fed up with his ‘I’ and wants to surrender his ‘I’ and merge with others. He starts seeing other’s pain as his. And he feels happy in being able to remove pain of others!

This desires comes in us from the 4th chakra, which known as ANAHAT chakra or Heart chakra. This is at heart level on our spinal cord. You would have seen few kings after having enjoyed full powers, become so kind hearted. You might have seen some super rich, suddenly doing lot of charity, even offering their houses for the needy. We feel that they are fools but the happiness they get is of higher level, which many cannot realise.

AUD1: very nice. Now the whole game of life is getting clear. Why different persons behave so differently! It is driven by what level they are in this game of life!

AUD2: it is getting very interesting! But u said that there r 7 chakras? What are rest of 3 pl tell. I am not able to think any higher level of desires!

ACH: ok I will tell. 5th chakra is called the Vishudhi ckakra and also known as the chakra of knowledge. This chakra is at the throat level. See I told you that SHIVA and PARVATI have hidden the knowledge in Avatars that they are built from SHIVA and PARVATI. Person after having enjoyed happiness of LOVE also gets saturated with it. A new thirst now starts developing in him. He wants to know who is he? Now his desire is to get this knowledge and progress in this only gives him higher happiness. At this stage, he starts analysing the life and tries to learn from anyone who can guide him in this search of knowledge. Slowly he starts getting the indication of the truth that this life is just a game and happiness/pain of this life are just a illusion. He also starts getting idea that he is not the body which he has been assuming till now.

AUD1: ok, looks sensible

ACH: so let us talk of 6th chakra. This is called Gyan chakra and is in between the eyes level, inside our head. At this stage, the person gets the glimpse of the SHIVA in him. He gets in touch with his real BEING or CHIT or ATMA. The Energy( PARVATI) meets the consciousness ( SHIVA). This pleasure if of highest level as PARVATI was missing SHIVA so badly all the time in this game of life.

AUD2: And the seventh chakra?

ACH: That stage is difficult to explain in words. PARVATI merges permanently with SHIVA in a eternal dance. This is also called a PURUSH and PRAKATI Milan. This is also represented as ARDH NARISHWAR. If a person crosses this level , he attains moksha and is out of this game. The chakra for this level is called SAHASRDHARA chakra.

AUD1 : all this is ok and interesting. But does it mean we are fools playing this game. Should we not just quite it on our own?

ACH: See this is a creation by SHIVA and SHAKTI( PARVATI). In fact we are nothing but part of them. So we were getting bored and so made this game to have some fun. Let us continue to play this game. Only thing is that when we are aware that is just a game, we will not be unduly disturbed from ups and downs in this game. So we can enjoy the whole life just as LEEELA. Even while we are aware that it is LEELA, but let us become ignorant and play with full involvement.

AUD2: ohh, the life can become so much fun then!

ACH: yes and also, we will have more acceptance of other persons. If we find other person doing stupid actions as per us, we will know that he is playing his part as per the level he is in.

AUD3: Yes we can feel pity on the persons on lower level instead of being angry with them.

ACH: no no, it is not that lower chakras are bad and upper chakras are good! If we have crossed few levels, we should not see other persons as low! We all are playing the game. See, actually we all were in 7th chakra (as SHIVA and SHAKTI) and in full BLISS. We (as SHIVA and SHAKTI) only decided to create this game. So all levels are equally respectable in this game of life. It is like this- We enjoy seeing a kid playing with toys and see him getting real happiness out of it. Similarly if we see a person totally absorbed in lower level happiness, we can just smile internally and watch this as LEELA of GOD.

AUD5: The story also tells that all our desires are fake and we don’t get happiness from anything for a long time. Should we then discard all desires and live a celibacy life?

ACH: No no, howsoever we try to discard our desires, our chakras will bringthem back. So no need to discard anything forcibly. If we naturally evolve to higher chakras, let it be so. But after knowing this story, we can just be watchful of how we are progressing in this game, while smiling inside all the time.

AUD4: The story looks interesting. But how can we say that it is true?

ACH : It is very difficult to say. There are so many theories of this universe and science is also totally confused on it. Only a person who has crossed 7th level may tell the truth, but he will not come back to tell us. However, this explanation is based on the experience of original seers. OK, even if it is not true, this comes to be the nearest explanation which seems logical. Even if it is not fully true, it can make our life very enjoyable, happy, peaceful and give us good health.

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